Friday, December 4, 2015

It's gotten to a point
where the devil won't even buy my soul –
he said it's too broken and there’s no way
he could make a profit.
All I wanted for it was a few 2 milligram bars of xanax
and a cheap bottle of brandy,
but apparently I ain’t even worth that.

But maybe it's all for the best
because if I really am that broken
then at least I know damn well
I've got some character –
a rusted tractor rotting away gracefully
at the edge of a barren field in Kansas
filled with stars...

I’d 'wanna sit somewhere like that
to spend the night drinking
and then sleeping the day away,
not someplace where I know there’d be
an angry old farmer up before dawn
to chase my plastered ass off his property
with a shotgun.

And so it seems to have come to this,
when all my fields have finally died
and I can sit back and harvest

the moon with my eyes.  

Sunday, October 11, 2015

She tells there's music 
in my soul
while I lay here, drunk 
in her arms 
falling asleep
to the same old demons 
playing me the same old 
on bone flutes 
they carved from my own 

“Oh yeah?” I giggle, trying not to puke
“So 'dafuk does this so called 'music' 
sound like then?”

“it sounds like….” 
She pauses
“Pain… It sounds like 
But it makes me want 
to sing along”

Friday, October 2, 2015

While going through a box of my old shit in my grandma's basement, looking for something to smile about, I find nothing but blue ribbons everybody won, report cards with straight Fs, and school photos of a child with pain bursting through the seams of a broken smile. Nothing of any value whatsoever, except maybe this this old picture of the night sky I painted when I was too young to know that the world is full of things far scarier than the monsters under my bed, things so scary they'd make you wish those monsters were real so they could reach up from the shadows and grab you, ending it all.

watercolor stars...
when I could lay down the weight
of the universe

Friday, July 24, 2015

Your kisses
were the fangs
of a snake in Eden
nibbling gently
on my adam's apple
until the skin became purple
and broke
dripping red with juice from the
sweetest fruit
your daddy told you to never
touch –
but it's just so
goddamn delicious
isn't it?

I hiss
when you lick it
and whisper
“you're such a good
little bad-girl”
and you hiss
with me
while you giggle
curling and flaunting your lips
like a set poisonous
pink fangs
deadly enough to kill a man
with just
kiss –

I trusted you

but trusting in love
is no different
than trusting
in Satan.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

 I've been driving
for twelve hours
aimlessly, and alone,
despite knowing or caring
that I didn't have enough gas
to run away from home
or even enough
to bring me back.

So now, running on empty,
and 800 odd miles away from home
with fifty dollars
crumpled up in my pocket,
grandpa's pistol in the glove box,
and enough alcohol on my breath
to get my locked up
for a long, long time...
I decide it's best to stop for the night
or forever.

So long story short
the only room I could find
for $50
is a fantasy suite
in a sleezy motel
out in the middle of
butt-fuck nowhere.

So with an empty tank in the parking lot
and an empty tank in my soul
I check in
and lay on the filthy, heart-shaped mattress
suspended and swinging above the floor
by chains
and I stare at my pathetic reflection
in the mirrors on the ceiling
while inhaling the residual perfume of nicotine
from the lungs of lovers
and dead hookers.

There's no tip-toeing around this
so I’ll just say it
because it's not like anyone's listening –
I fucking hate myself.
I haven't even a scrap of love left
for this person I've become,
and all the little crumbs
of self-compassion
have been swallowed by freeway rats
who're now laying dead
with broken throats
in this trap called life.

While I was writing just now
I began to think of this poem
as my suicide note
that only the slut
at the front desk will read...
So while I began searching my soul
for some profound quote about death
I remembered
that I forgot grandpa's pistol in the car,
and now I think
that this is the story of my life.
And the plot, all summed up,
is probably something
like this;
either someone up there is looking out for me
or someone down there wants me to suffer.”

I'm not sure which one it is,
but maybe, just like my favorite stories,
there’s some room
for interpretation.

It just seems like everything
is such a goddamn contradiction
especially tonight
sitting alone in the “Cupid's Arrow” suite
with what I'm almost sure
is a bloodstain on the carpet.

Tonight I just wish
that the little diaper wearing motherfucker
would break in with a .22
point it to my chest
and blow open my heart, too.

But he won't
he ain't real,
nothing is as far as I’m concerned,
because for all I know
this soul that burns with words inside my chest
could be nothing more
than just the product of a billion years
of evolution.

But right now I don't give a fuck
what is
or what isn't
because I do know one thing
for damn sure –
and it's that I won't be killing myself tonight,
and this twisted little novel of mine
will keep on going,
for a hundred more chapters
or for half of a page...
but I don't care either way
as long as I can dilute my blood with
this whiskey
and close my eyes
for the night.

 I've been lost
since before I could even walk
and now it makes me sick
that I can run, jump,
and rip the moon down from the sky
if I wanted....
but still wouldn’t know
where to go with it
or how to get there.

So tonight I drank
for the first time in months
and wished
on the only star
bright enough to pierce through the smog
of the D –
on that one little dot that says
“You are here”
like on a map in some failing shopping mall
full of empty stores
and kiosks of fake jewelry
painted gold.

I don't know.
Maybe if I keep drinking
I'll find my way
to brilliance, to rehab,
or to the ground.
But I don't give two shits,
I'll just let Jack take the wheel
take it from my hands
because I can't find my way on my own.

There's just something
so unexplainably beautiful
about kissing the lips
of a cold bottle
under an empty, polluted sky
then watching the stars appear
one by one,
telling me exactly where I need
to go

and be.

breaking windows with my heart

Love is a cannibal
chewing on the bones
of my heart
while I walk down Harper
vaping THC
at two in the morning
looking for a thug to piss off
who'd leave me dead
and bloody in the streets.

But I've walked all the way up to Nine Mile
and haven't seen a soul...
only a sad-looking puppy
who peeked out from a parking lot
looking for my affection.

I left him there to die.
Little fucker would probably just hump my leg
and eat my food
if I take him home
just like every skinny bitch
who said they'd love me forever
when I brought them back to my house
from the bar.

Nope, that dog's gonna die
under an abandoned car
and I'm gonna keep kicking
this heart-shaped rock
down the shattered slabs of sidewalk
until I find a window

to throw it through.
Through all this shit
I wonder how my eyes have stayed so blue
and didn't turn black from the poison of all I've seen.
But the skin around them
has been sculpted by the hand of pain
into a scowl that's dried hard
as stone on my face.
Looking into the mirror I think
this is the face of an angry, tired old man
with the eyes of a newborn, oblivious
to the suffering of this world.

If the old saying is right, that the eyes are really the window of the soul
then maybe that innocent blue is a child, staring out from his broken home
with dreams leaving
while his dad still beats his mom
in the back room of my mind.

But if only he knew
that once the alcohol has killed his father
and the therapy has cured his mother
he'd be able to step outside
to look up at an unimaginable sky
and make it jealous of the blue
that has been shut away for years

in his own darkness.  

Monday, June 15, 2015

I painted a caricature of my soul
on a McDonalds napkin, with my blood.
It looked like Van Gogh's starry night
swirled, dark, distorted,
beautiful –

so I squeezed it inside my bloody fist
then tossed it in the urinal
and pissed on it
because I know I'm not
a masterpiece.

I'm just a drunk
punching mirrors in empty restrooms
at 1 in the morning,
leaving philosophical quotes inside the stalls
with a red sharpie
among the crudely drawn penises
and phone numbers of whores.

But I suppose
that after years of doing this
someone taking a shit had to have notice
what I left
for him to see,
and sat there for a while
about the beauty of life
and what it all really means
after finally seeing through the cocks and cunts
that plague the walls of the world,
then wiped himself
of all the shit
and walked out

I am an artist
not a masterpiece.
And that’s exactly how
I want it to be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


sticks and stones
might break your bones
but my words
will fucking kill you.
this poem is a bullet
in the chamber
of a sniper rifle
and you're just cruising by
like Kennedy –
I'm about to blow you're mind.

take everything
you thought you knew about
and burn it,
rip pages out from Shakespeare
or the holy psalms
then roll this shit up
and smoke it –

I'm going to hell
not after some divine sentencing
but on a meteor crashing through the heavens
through a storm of pearly glass
then into the ground and all the way
to it's burning core
where evil souls scream
in eternal pain


they’re all dead,
killed on impact.
immortal my ass.
the only immortal things in this world
are words,
and they drive people to death
or sometimes even

Buildings fall
countries and empires crumble
music goes out of style –
but a king could end a life
or start a war
with just his
and watch the world end
if his heart so desired.

this ain't no goddamn poem
it's a hand possessed by the ghost of
Genghis Kahn
writing these words on a restroom mirror
with my blood.
I'm the anti-christ of literature
the savior of no one
but myself
and maybe a few other fucked up souls
I destroy along the way.
I am here to influence your children
and make them forget Wordsworth
and float with me like a cloud of smog
over a field detonated landmines
and bloody limbs –
fuck the daffodils
lets kill them with this acid rain
and reanimate the corpse of H.P. Lovecraft
with the lighting of our rage
while Cthulhu rises up from the sea
into our wild storm.

so burn the flags
but never
burn the corpses
but never

burn your skin
with cigarette butts
so you can write
about the

burn your poem
into the sun
so the world can revolve
around you.

and burn your mind
with the fires of your
until everything you thought you knew
is ash
and everything you can't help but feel
is the wind that carries
those ashes away,
and kisses your skin, as if to say
will be

Monday, June 8, 2015


A heavy woman
with heavier eyes
stares attentively at the endless array
of romance novels
while I peek up over the cover
of a Bukowski book
after reading another poem
about his many whores.

We're all lonely, aren't we?

I wish I had money for a whore
but I don't even have money for this book
so I’ve just been sitting here, reading it
for an hour or so
and people watching between each
shoplifted poem.

“Hey kid, buy the book or leave!”

so without saying a word
I nod politely
and get up to put the book back
but head towards the childrens section instead
and set it on a shelf
in front of fairy tales with sparkly covers
and leave it open,
pages spread like the legs of a used up slut
with a beautiful soul.

On my way out
I notice that the woman has left,
gone home to lay in bed naked
with fantasies of Fabio
or some other long-haired douche
with a disguising accent...
And now I'm going home too
to get drunk
pop a couple xanax
and write this shit
like the stereotypical poet I am.

What romantic fucking lives we all life.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Because the chicken was walking home from work, dreading the fact that he would have to tell his wife and baby chicks that he had just lost his job, and the traffic zooming by looked like the best escape there was. So, he boldly set one little chicken foot on the hot black asphalt, closed his eyes and raised his beak, and trotted on out, preparing for death. But to his surprise, he made it the whole way across the interstate without getting hit. So in amazement, he fluffed his feathers and looked up to the clouds, with a tear in his little eye and said "God, you must want me here for a –" but before he could finish his sentence, a homeless man grabbed him by his neck, and choked him until the last bit of life escaped his eyes, and took him back home to his box in the alley and fed his children who haven't eaten in days.

Speech of the Underworld Laureate

I want to be nothing but bones, a skeleton with a wardrobe of tattered and tattooed skin, picked out from the morgue in the night like a resale shop for life. I want to walk the streets dragging a dead dog on a metal leash while I bark my favorite obscenities to the moon. 

I want to be one of them, a creature only visible in the night or in nightmares. A person who a little girl would see from the backseat window with dreary eyes on her way home from Disney World, while awoken by the dull glow of a strange city – someone who'd haunt the hallways of the magic kingdom in her dreams and dangle her innocence over the balcony where her Prince Charming jumped to his death after being raped by Jeffrey Dahmer in a mouse costume.

I want to die in an alley with a needle in my vein and a hooker's face in my crotch, after ejaculating my brilliant ghost all the way up to its throne of rooftops that crown the abandoned highrises that ooze darkness from their windows. I want to find Shakespeare’s spirit in the afterlife and call him a pussy. I want people to read my poetry and vomit, and teachers to hide my books from their students. I want to bitch slap Billy Collins with the hand of the underworld laureate, then sip absinthe mixed with lighter fluid from a teacup and ask him what he thinks this poem means.

For Angel

Angel –
no other name
could've suited you better
you beautiful, promiscuous
bound for hell
if it exists...
And while confined on house arrest
for snorting dust
you called me in the middle of the night
to spill your demons
to the only guy who never asked you
for sex
while I jacked off to the sound
of the pain flowing
from your angelic voice –
I was always a good listener,
not for anyone else
but only for you.
And sometimes I wonder if you knew
what I was doing on the other end
while your eyes squirted endless orgasms
of tears…

I was too scared to tell you.

But it doesn't matter
because you don't talk to me anymore anyway.
I like to tell myself that you were scared too
even though you probably somehow knew
what I was doing
by the way I would breathe
when I said “keep going hun, I'm here to listen”
and you realized
I was just a creep
like everyone else

But there’s more to me than that

I hope.

Doggie style

The old dog
watches on inattentively
while I bend my girlfriend over
pull down her panties
and fuck her
doggie style.

Spot hasn't humped my leg in years
and I think he's jealous
that I've moved on
to better “tail”,
but what he doesn't know is
I never liked it
and me screaming “NO! Get the fuck away!”
only seemed to turn him on more.

So now he just sits there
with gooey eyes
and patches of dead, hairless skin
while my bitch moans
my name
and calls me

an animal.  

Friday, April 10, 2015


When I was eight or nine
I started drinking
and smacking my pretend wife
when she came over to play,
me and my friends in the hood
would play cops and
serial killers
on the dark side streets
just north of Eight Mile
where the streetlights never came on
at night
where we never went back inside
to our parents, guardians,
or single mothers
who were strung out on meth
or puking up whiskey
after another man left.

My dad was always there for me though
he taught me how to love a woman
with my fist
and how to clean up her blood
after you busted her lip.
How to throw a bottle
through the window
then board it up
before the landlord started bitching.

But I don't know how to shave
change a tire
or what the difference is between a flathead
and a phillips
or even how to use a damn screwdriver
or wrench...
so tell me,
how am I supposed to fix myself
when I cant fix anything else?

Tattoos and Barbed Wire

When I showed you my body
I put down my hair for you
removed the piercings
and let the studded bracelets drop
to the floor...
You, the only one to ever see me naked
of both my clothing and my walls
saw Stephen
and realized that Chase wasn't nearly as strong
as he looked.
You saw the slashing patterns in the scars
that I told you were from fights,
and you realized they were only from fights
with tired old demons...
you saw how my pale skin looks strange
and unnatural without the counterweight of darkness
achieved so easily with black shirts and bandannas.
I was your other half
your yin yang symbol
that disappeared
behind the white backdrop of the world
when the dark parts of me left –
I don't exist to you anymore,
and I don't think I care.

I have trouble sleeping now
not because I miss you
but because I don't wash my mohawk out anymore,
and it's hard to lay comfortably
with that row of hard black spikes
glued up six inches
from my pale scalp
like barbed wire around my prettiest dreams and thoughts
preventing them from ever escaping


In 200 years
everyone alive today
will be dead.
The enemies who tore me down
will be frail bones,
the whores who left
before I could wake up to love them
will be unable to move...
But I, I will be a ghost
a vague memory
a whiff of strange perfume
floating through the pages
of forgotten books,
the sound of a keyboard
being struck in the night
while a few citizens of that strange new world
lie awake in fear
of the poltergeistic rhythm
that my words will refuse to stop playing
on a stage before millions, or in an attic
with no one.
Tonight I'm typing
a million miles per hour
and this energy
can never be destroyed
despite whatever lies after the day that the lighting
in my fingers finally burns up, and they are folded
around a rosary
in a casket
before a funeral of grieving family and friends

or a funeral of no one.

Self Medicated

I swallow the anti depressant
with a big swig of wine,
the one that's bottle warns
“do not drink alcoholic beverages
while taking this medication”
But after a few glasses
the wine bottle begins to say
“do not swallow anti depressants
while drinking this medication”
I start laugh, hysterically at my own humor
then shove my fingers down my throat
and puke up
what I hope is the pill,
and continue laughing
not because I remember the joke
but because my puke is shaped like Texas.
Then I remember a girl I dated
who lived in Texas
the one who got away,
so I drink a few more glasses
until I throw up some more
and the Texas looks like Alaska
or the pacific ocean.